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TV & Radio Listings
Our TV guide is brilliant and you can use it immediately. It will do even more for you if you "log in" and customize it to show you what channels you are interested in, keep an eye out for certain programs, filter out others etc. If you can receive the signal in the UK from an aerial, dish or cable, we almost certainly have it listed here. Of course you can even print out pages if you want too. Just think, instead of buying a TV-listing mag, you can now have a custom list just for you - and save money in the process.
This web site is provided in conjunction with another company (digiguide) and as such, will have a couple of adverts placed on the screen, these are not too intrusive though and should not spoil your use of the site in any way. Although we do not normally like adverts cluttering the screen, these are "well behaved" and we wanted to be able to make this service available to you.